vendredi 20 novembre 2015

Moon River or Zey's a sucker for chick-flicks

Because YES, Moon River is a chick-flick. It's your typical : the rich boy and the poor/weird girl falling in love story. And it is a theme of most of chick-flicks.

First of all, I don't understand why people tend to criticize chick-flicks. It's not because it is for women that OF COURSE it's going to suck or be all melo-drama.
The Notebook is one of the greatest chick-flick I have ever seen. Not only thanks to the actors but also with the way it is filmed. Watch that movie and you'll change your mind about chick-flicks.
And there are thousands of funny chick-flicks, it's not all about melo-drama. Pitch Perfect is a musical chick-flick : did anyone cry their eyes out ? NO.

So, chick-flicks aren't crappy movies.

With that in mind, let's get to the topic of the day : Moon River may be your typical chick-flick, but it is addictive. I mean, I kinda watched 30 episodes in three days. I even skipped my episode of The Flash I was waiting all week to watch.

The story

Ming Xiao Xi is a girl who comes from a very isolated place, where she learned Kung-fu so she's kinda out of her place in this new environment. The male character is played by the charismatic Sam Lin, and is named Mu Liu Bing. He is very rich and popular at the college they both are going to. Liu Bing is older than Xiao Xi and has been to this college probably more than a year earlier than her. He became the president of the Elite Club and lives a perfectly boring life with his two princes charming best friends. Until he meets a strange girl that wears finger socks, which is, OHMYGOD, so not appropriate for rich people :note the sarcasm:

(I had finger socks for years in high school because there were SO FUN to wear during gym class were shoes weren't allowed.)

My thoughts

Thanks the Heavens, it won't change anything in the evolution of their feelings. I think, it even makes Liu Bing love her even more. Because she's not like the other girls he met. She's full of stamina, fun to hang out, never gets beat up, and seems so strong, both physically and mentally.

Oh but we all know that isn't true. Liu Bing barely sees her really sad. And I counted : two times and it was at the last episode. Really dude, you suck. So, our little cute Xiao Xi doesn't have much choice than to cry in the arms of one of the prince charming, named Chen. Even though I think it's good in some way, because Liu Bing won't get too jealous for example, it's still very frustrating because she can't seem to show him her weaknesses. She's like this rock he can hold onto. But he keeps forgeting that she is not a rock but a human, with real human feelings. 
Chen knows that. He knows how much she's hurt. He's like an angel. Really, I thought he was, until the last episode. Because he almost never shows any other feelings than compassion and love. Never shows that he is sad, or VERY angry. He's a flat character. We just know he's very rich, he loves to play violin, he has feelings for Xiao Xi, loves his friends and... that's all. There are no complexity to his personnality. We don't know anything about his past, his family, his pets... It's like he came out of nowhere so he could protect Xiao Xi. A guardian angel. 

Among the characters, there is one in particular that caught my eyes and it's Lucy played by Hannah Quinlivan, Jay Chou's wife. She is so beautiful she looks like a Barbie doll (and she gave birth to her daughter two freaking months before the drama, HOW DID SHE REGAIN HER PRE-PREGNANCY FIGURE SO QUICKLY ?!) 

Despite the fact that in the beginning Lucy indeed seemed like a Barbie, with not much brain work going on up there, she is actually one of the smartest girl on this show, Unlike "the bitch" (you know, the one that every drama has ?) she obtains what she wants by her cute actions, trying not to hurt people around her. She's aware of what's going on but acts like a peacekeeper. 

Overall, it's a good chick flick because of the chemistry between the main actors, because despite all the unrealistic plots, the relationships are painted based on reality. I mean, they feel true, not "Nicolas Sparks dreamlike relationships", but how they evolve with the hardships, how their trust to each other is true and limitless but "don't push too far", how loves keeps growing and is not "at first sight"... I really like how they painted relationships in this drama, that was the main focus for me. 
And also Sam Lin, please, take a moment to look at him. (here comes the cutest scene ever)

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