jeudi 20 mars 2014

Lee Jun Ki

Today's post will be about one of my favorite actors, Lee Jun Ki.

Jun Ki, aged 31, has in his filmography pretty amazing dramas. Back from the army since two years ago, he continues his rise in the drama industry.

Here a list of his works. (Only dramas, I am not going to talk about movies. So, I'm not listing them)

-Nonstop 4 (guest appearance) (MBC, 2003)
-Drama City: What Should I Do? (KBS2, 2004)
-Star's Echo (MBC, 2004)
-My Girl (SBS, 2005)
-The 101st Proposal (cameo) (SBS, 2006)
-Time Between Dog and Wolf (MBC, 2007)
-Iljimae (SBS, 2008)Hero (MBC, 2009)
-Arang and the Magistrate (MBC, 2012)
-Two Weeks (MBC, 2013)

(Thank you Wikipedia for these informations)

Besides the first three dramas I've watched them all.

And in my opinion the best of the best are Arang and the Magistrate and Two Weeks.

In Arang and the Magistrate, he played a serious magistrate who could be playful and cute. (The final scene is the cutest scene ever)
In Two Weeks he was a desperate-to-save-his-daughter father.

In both dramas he showed us how much he improved from his drama My Girl. I already find him amazing in Between Dog and Wolf and Iljimae. But seriously, Two Weeks guys. Wow.

Jun Ki can play both the playboy/bad boy and the sensitive guy so romantic.
Two Weeks was amazing because Jun Ki's role was about a normal guy. A normal guy who took the wrong path when he was younger. He didn't have an easy childhood either, so even though it's not an excuse, it's still explains his wrong choices. But when he is confronted to reality, the fact that he was used like a piece of garbage, that now he is a father and as a father he needs to protect his daughter, he does what normal people, real people, you and me, would do: he uses every tricks he learned through movies. He needs to disguise? Easy just wear a hat and glasses. But, don't forget he is a normal human being. So at first he would feel scared. Then courageous because he escaped once so it means he could do it again. However, resisting this for two weeks? It's like he's living in hell. So yeah, his nerves got the better of him. He starts talking to his daughter in his head. Because he doesn't have anyone to talk to. Doesn't have anyone to say to him: "it's ok, you're going fine." It's two long weeks. I don't think it would've been normal not to see him cry once. He is a hero, yes, but he's not a superhero like in the comics. The Bad Guys are destroying him from the inside. But he doesn't give up. His daughter is so important to him.
Thus, the ending isn't a surprise. (Happy ending guys. Don't worry). After what he went through he needs a time to get himself together.

Since it's been a long time that I watched the drama, I can't tell you how it's filmed. But the plot itself is sufficient to put it on your list : to watch.

About Arang and the Magistrate, I have to admit I watched it twice. If you want a long review about it just ask. Right now, I'm in class. Bored to death and have a lot of time in my hands, but if my teacher finds me writing a review I'm screwed.
Anyway. Just a reminder about the story: In Joseon time, Jun Ki is looking for his mom and he has the ability to see ghosts. Shin Min Ah plays the role of Arang the ghost. She doesn't know who she is and asks help from Jun Ki. He finally agrees to help him, because she has the hair pin of his mother and needs her help to find out about his mother. They start falling in love for each other, but hehe! She's a ghost. Thankfully the gods are on their side. Well the god Jade is. So she comes back from the dead. (I liked the fact that she came back naked in the water. She is reborned)
Jun Ki shows us his martial arts abilities through out the drama. (Oh God. He is so sexy even with his Joseon style hat). He shows us that he can express a lot with his eyes. They are so soulful. Those damn eyes.
I don't speak Korean but with my amateur ears I think he did a pretty amazing job with his accent and voice so it corresponds to the Joseon era.
And there were a real alchemy between him and Shin Min Ah.
And if I watched it twice, it means there are a lot of things in this drama, and I really love it. (Not my "favorite favorite". There are other dramas that I watched thrice in a year.)

Yeah and that's all... I should probably get back to what my teacher says.

And don't forget folks! I watch tons of dramas per week. I try to watch every new episodes at the very moment they are online. But I still have a life. And I live in Paris, which means there are a lot of things to do here. So don't expect me to post everyday.

Anyway, if you want me to do a review about a specific drama, ask me. Even if it's something I don't know, I'm willing to watch it!

vendredi 14 mars 2014

Beyond The Clouds

G'day mates!
Nope, I'm not Aussie. But I love their accent. And the aussie slang.

Anyway, I want to talk about Beyond The Clouds, since I just watched the episode 7 and 8. I wanted to tell you my thoughts about the drama right away.
That was my feelings speaking.
At first, when I started Beyond The Clouds, I loved it, since I love that kind of drama (Innocent Man, Secret, Two Weeks [ok, you're right, there are more actions in Two Weeks and it is a little different from the others but still] ...) But then, I got bored at episodes 5 and 6. However, I'm not the kind to give up on a drama because it is boring (God. I watched Mary Stayed Out All Night 'till the end). Then, it became really interesting in episodes 7 and 8.
Ok, maybe too cliché, but we love cliché. So when the main guy Se-Ro falls in love with a woman he is supposed to take revenge on, we're not surprised. The point is to learn what they are going to go through, how their relationship is going to evolve, how they are going to protect each other, who's going to die in the end (if one of them is supposed to die). That will be the difference.
At this point of Beyond The Clouds, they aren't "in love", but they are "falling in love". Rome wasn't built in one day, so love can't be at first sight. Forget about Nicolas Sparks. Even Romeo and Juliet were only physically attracted to each other (Ro' couldn't hold it in his pants, he had to have her before he left Verona. Shakespeare is all about sex, people.)
When Se-Ro kisses Young Won out of nowhere in episodes 7, it doesn't feel wrong. Actually, I think it was the best moment. They were standing there, bared, their feelings out in the open for the other to see it. The way Se-Ro was looking at her made it obvious that he was going to kiss her. It wasn't lust. It was something more. A need so strong it made me want to kiss him.
The right moment for their first kiss.

(my first gif EVER. I'm proud of myself)

Don't think I'm spoiling, those things (kissing, touching, sleeping, saying I love you...) are obviously going to happen. And anyway, we're still at the beginning of the story. They aren't together yet. I don't know the ending, except for the fact that they will probably be in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship at some point, that they will broke up due to some shitty moves from Young Won's dad or because Young Won won't be able to forgive Se-Ro 'cause of the fact that he lied to her from the beginning or that he and his friends tried to destroy Belle La Fair. But they will probably be together again at the end of the drama. Or they just gonna die. (See A Love To Kill). It's kind of written in The Big Book Of Korean Dramas.

They are star-crossed lovers for God' sake. I'm not spoiling anything.
Anyway, I strongly advise you to watch Beyond The Clouds, since Yoon Kye Song is such a good actor. And don't forget that he is a former member of G.O.D !

(What? I'm not THAT old. I love EXO too. See?
Ok. I admit it. I'm a pedo-noona. But, seriously, I'm not that old.)
Kim Yoo Ri, the Little Sun from The Master's Sun and Lee Jae Won (Han Joo, the security team member) are playing in Beyond The Clouds too. They are in the Good Team. And Jae Won is really funny. He makes me laugh almost every time he opens his mouth. I liked Yoo Ri too in the beginning, but not anymore. Her character starts to become annoying. But, y'know, every drama is supposed to have a bitch in its plot. So it's her. (She was NOT The Bitch in Master's Sun.)
By the way, I'm kinda obsessed with the OST too. The acoustic version of Whale from Zitten is AWE.SOME.

lundi 10 mars 2014


Ok. Let's talk about Shark. The only Japanese drama I'm watching right now. Actually, I have other jdramas on my list to watch but I want to finish some of the dramas on my list: watching right now. Like I Need Romance 3.
So Shark. You can find the usual, y'know number of episodes and the cast and all, on dramawiki or asianwiki. Ain't gonna do their work. And you probably already researched everything about it.
First of all, I started this drama believing it was a remake of the korean drama: Shut Up! Flower Boyband.
Well, the only thing that is remotely similar is the fact that the band wants to change the world with their music, that the leader, aka the main voice, dies at the very beginning of the drama and... That is all.
Actually, this drama deals about the hardship the members of the jrock band Shark go through after the death of their leader. Their manager, a pretty annoying woman, is the only one who believes in them. Since there aren't any main voice, and the only one who can sing in the band really sucks at it and doesn't have the rock'n'roll vibes, the manager doesn't have other choice than to find a new vocalist. That guy, the main character is really funny and talks about himself as Ore-Sama (kinda "Almighty Me"). That is probably why I love him. He keeps talking like he doesn't care about the band but actually he really cares. But the other members don't want him. So in each episode, Mizuki, the Ore-Sama guy, and the manager try to persuade the members to not quit the band. Mizuki played by a Johnny's, Hirano Sho, can be such an ass but in the end of the episode, he wins the heart of a member. So every episodes concentrate on one member. We learn about them at the same time as Mizuki. We get attached to the band and to their music. Which is really good. Not "wow that is rock'n'roll baaaabe" kind, but more like "hey I like it, NANANANANANA I DON'T KNOW THE LYRICS NAAA WE NEVER GIVE UUUUP!"
I also like the way it is filmed. For example, when the ex leader is going to his death, the last time we see him is when he turns to the door where there is a lot of lights, like the heavens door. I knew then that he was going to die.
Sometimes, there are boys touching boys while singing/playing guitar that made my mind go crazy. It's not like BoysXBoys or bromance style, but still, on stage it looks pretty cool/hot/funny/adorable/and whatever feelings it gives you seeing that kind of scenes.
However, there is a lack of interesting girl character in the drama. There are only three girls that we see often. The first, the manager who's name is Ichika, I don't really like her. I don't even know why. I just found her annoying. Like the other manager that works in the same agency as her. If I could, I would make them disappear, they are useless. The only girl character who is interesting is Mizuki's friend: Miku. I wish Mizuki and Miku will end together. She seems to be the only one who really understands and knows Mizuki. Probably because she knows him for a long time now. But I really like how Mizuki reacts to what she says and all. She is the only one from Mizuki's past, before Shark The Band. She seems to know a lot about him, and since he keeps something from everyone about his past, she is even more interesting. Because she is the only character who knows.
Unfortunately, only 6 episodes are available right now in vosta. Even though 9 were aired. I really hope we can get the subtitles really quick.
And so, because of that, I still don't know what Mizuki hides...
Aaaargh! It's soooo frustrating!


I just watched episode 7 and now I know! I know what Mizuki hides. At first I was thinking: what? Guys, its' s no big deal, seriously. But then, I understood. This whole drama is about being seen by someone. Not be invisible. To be accepted in a group of people. To belong somewhere. 

Without hope, desperation creeps into your head and takes over everything. 

That's the message of the drama. 

About the way it is filmed, once again it is really good. At one point in the beginning of the episode 7, we see the band watching a TV program which talks about: the tragic band Shark. So we learn about Mizuki's past and we see him getting pissed. Then he leaves. He actually goes down the staircase and leaves from a door on the right, while the others stay up. When I watched that scene I knew that the episode will be about Mizuki's past. That we're going to dig into his past. But Mizuki leaves from the right. He doesn't want to talk about his past. He just wants to look ahead, to the futur. That was clever because I don't remember seeing the guys on the second floor of their garage-like-place-totally for rockers before that scene. 
Here it is :

Oh. And I think Miku was going to confess her feelings. But that jerk Mizuki just left right at the moment she opened her mouth to say: "I...". Son of a b****. 

dimanche 9 mars 2014

Watching right now list

To start the blog, I'm just going to list the dramas I'm watching right now:

- Beyond The Clouds
- Emergency Couple
- God's Gift -14 days
- Golden Rainbow
- I Need Romance 3
- Inspiring Generation
- Level 7 Civil Servant
- Mimi
- Miss Korea
- Potato Star
- Shark
- Sly and Single Again
- The Suspicious Housekeeper
- Three Days

Yeah... it's a lot of dramas... Some are old dramas that I never had the time to watch, some have just finished airing and the others are new.

For now I kinda love them all.
If you didn't notice, there is one Japanese drama in the list: Shark. I'll talk about it in my next post.

Yeah sooo... This is so awkward, I don't even know what to say and how to finish that post. It's so foreign to me. Hope I'll get better at it.
Hey! Did you know that my guy best friend calls me Wonder Woman? Because he says I look like her.
Should I feel happy about it?
I'm just gonna consider it as a compliment.

Your Highness

Welcome people.

My name is Zey, but I tend to call myself Ore-Sama and refer to myself as a third person. But it doesn't really matter here, right ? I thought a lot about doing this. You know, out there on the web, there are a lot of blogs about reviews on dramas. So I was thinking : why would people want to read my posts ? I was thinking and thinking for days and come up with nothing.
It would be a regular blog about dramas, especially kdrama.
The difference may come from the fact that I want to give my real opinion, I won't try to be objective, hell no, and from my taste in dramas.

So I should probably introduce myself, right ? Talk about the stuff I like and all...

Okay, so here we go.

First of all, I love to read, especially youth literature. Actually, I'm doing a Master Degree in Youth Literature in Paris, I wish to become an editor, and work as a CEO for Hachette Publishing. Or Penguin, or Random House. Yeah, I kinda have big dreams. But, I always dreamt of living in Paris since I was a child, and it happened ! I officially live in Paris since october 2013. So, it doesn't matter if your dream is "too big". The bigger, the better.

My obsessions are :
- Bags
- Black dresses
- Dr Martens
- Frappucino with Caramel syrup from Starbucks
- Lists
- Rain
- Rue Rivoli (Paris)
- Star Wars
- Super Junior
- Supernatural
- Wattpad

There is also another thing you need to know, Ore-Sama loves to think that she is a Royalty. Call me Your Highness.

I think that's all you need to know about me, for now.