dimanche 9 mars 2014

Your Highness

Welcome people.

My name is Zey, but I tend to call myself Ore-Sama and refer to myself as a third person. But it doesn't really matter here, right ? I thought a lot about doing this. You know, out there on the web, there are a lot of blogs about reviews on dramas. So I was thinking : why would people want to read my posts ? I was thinking and thinking for days and come up with nothing.
It would be a regular blog about dramas, especially kdrama.
The difference may come from the fact that I want to give my real opinion, I won't try to be objective, hell no, and from my taste in dramas.

So I should probably introduce myself, right ? Talk about the stuff I like and all...

Okay, so here we go.

First of all, I love to read, especially youth literature. Actually, I'm doing a Master Degree in Youth Literature in Paris, I wish to become an editor, and work as a CEO for Hachette Publishing. Or Penguin, or Random House. Yeah, I kinda have big dreams. But, I always dreamt of living in Paris since I was a child, and it happened ! I officially live in Paris since october 2013. So, it doesn't matter if your dream is "too big". The bigger, the better.

My obsessions are :
- Bags
- Black dresses
- Dr Martens
- Frappucino with Caramel syrup from Starbucks
- Lists
- Rain
- Rue Rivoli (Paris)
- Star Wars
- Super Junior
- Supernatural
- Wattpad

There is also another thing you need to know, Ore-Sama loves to think that she is a Royalty. Call me Your Highness.

I think that's all you need to know about me, for now.

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